

Our global presence is the cornerstone of our operations, enabling us to leverage our expertise as a trading company to deliver a comprehensive range of services. From the initial stages of planning and manufacturing to the final steps of export, import, and sales, we're committed to not just supplying products and services, but to continually creating new value. In our pursuit of innovation, we're also embracing the digital era by integrating cutting-edge technologies like 3D printing and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) into our processes.


Takao Ohashi

Be sincere,
be creative.

Since its establishment in 1986, X PLUS has made it its mission to be "the company of the world, by the world, for the world" while adopting the qualities of sincerity (keeping our promises) and creativity (providing creative value) as its core principles. It is our intention to continue the pursuit of our goals while never forgetting our entrepreneurial spirit for many years to come.

Summer 2022
Takao Ohashi


The company of experts creating a valuable lifestyle.

We do more than just offer our customers products and services at competitive prices.

As a trading company at the heart of global commerce, we provide comprehensive solutions that encompass everything from designing and planning new lifestyles that consumers desire, to overseeing production, distribution, and sales services.


We do more than just offer our customers products and services at competitive prices.

As a trading company at the heart of global commerce, we provide comprehensive solutions that encompass everything from designing and planning new lifestyles that consumers desire, to overseeing production, distribution, and sales services.



  • Our first responsibility
    is to all customers
    that use our products
    and services.
  • ・Anticipate trends in the market, meet the needs of the market and create customers.

    ・Constantly offer new value to our customers and be a leading company in specialized fields.

    ・Be faithful and fulfill promises made to customers through expertise and enthusiasm.

  • Our second responsibility
    is something which
    all employees must hold.
  • ・Show appreciation for having a place to work and the ability to work.

    ・Make decisions based not on what is gained or lost, but on whether it is right or wrong.

    ・Understand the importance of time, establish deadlines for everything you do and honor those deadlines.

    ・Strive to create a work environment that is not only well-organized but allows employees to feel proactive and enjoy their work.

    ・Acknowledge the differences and values of the individual and respect one another.

    ・Maintain a strong sense of ownership and fulfill your own responsibilities.

  • Our third responsibility
    is to society.
  • ・Respect the client or customer, create an equal relationship and share the advantages.

    ・Contribute to society at every given opportunity and be an organization that strives to protect the environment.